Ramadan is the ninth hijri month and one of the holiest times in the life of Muslims, it is a grant from Allah, golden opportunity for each good seeker, especially when you want to get rid of a guilt worrying you, or a bad habit which deprives you of the peace of mind, if you’re anxiously seeking some kind of peace for your soul, or you intend to do the good and acquire virtues, Ramadan 2019 / 1440 is your chance.
Ramadan 2018 / 1439 : An Opportunity You Can’t Miss!
Ramadan is the ninth hijri month and one of the most holy times in the life of Muslims, it is a grant from Allah, golden opportunity for each good seeker, especially when you want to get rid of a guilt worrying you, or a bad habit which deprive you of the peace of mind, if you’re anxious seeking some kind of peace for your soul, or you intend to do the good and acquire virtues, Ramadan 2018 / 1439 is your chance.
The Last Ten Days Of Ramadan
Days and nights of mercy and forgiveness have passed Ramadan is preparing for depature . We must invest the Last few days that have particular rank , they represent the most precious timed (days) all the year round .
Our prophet ” peace be upon him ” and his companions set the best example in making the best use of these honorable days . They gave these days special care . They were keen on night prayers . They resort to complete detachment from the material aspects of life with its hustle and bustle . Through the tradition (sunna) of I’tikaf . Lady Aisha reported that the prophet “peace be upon him ” used to be in I’tikaf during the last ten days of ramadan . He and his companions devote themselves to worship hoping to witness EL-Qadr-Night , the night of honor and excellence . The night which is better in its values than 1000 months of worship . There is sura in The Holy Qura’n called ” Al-Qadr ” . Why not ?! The Qur’an revealed on that night . The angles and the spirit (Gabriel) descended on that night by their lord’s permission ,with every day decree , and this night is peace until the break of down . Our Prophet Muhammed “peace upon him ” said : ” whoever stood in prayer in the Night of Qadr on the basis of faith and seeking the reward from Allah ,Allah will forgive his previous sins . (Al-Bukhari) .

It can be a really a turning point in Muslim’s life . Imagine that in no time you all sins can be wiped out and begin a new life . So our great prophet asserted that whoever is deprived of the good of this night is really deprived of the whole (all) good , but when is this night . This night isn’t specially known to us to make us strive in worship during these ten days . Our prophet told us to ” look for the night of El-Qadr in the last ten days of Ramadan ” (Al-Bukhari,muslim&Ahmed ) – especially in –uneven nights .
Well , how can we make the best use of this night ?! we can make the best use of it by reciting Qura’n in prayer , and supplication to Allah through Dou’a and remembrance . Lady aisha asked our prophet “peace upon him” what she says if it is El-Qadr night ” He recommended her to say ; Oh Allah , you ‘re forgiver who loves to forgive so forgive me ” (Ahmed & Temidhi)
Solitude with a copy of Holy Book , contemplation of its verses and being alone with Allah through previous acts of worship can purify our souls . By the end of these ten days we have to do Zakat El Ftr .
The obligatory Zakat by the end of Ramadan . It is due on the rich and the poor . It is due on every adult Muslim who possesses an amount of food in excess of his need and those of his family for 24 hours . It purifies fasting and elevate our souls . If we want to lead a happy and decent life . We must do the commands of Allah and his prophet.
There are many featured apps that can help you in Ramadan and any time. They are free and provides you with many features. You can use apps like:
- Athan Pro which brings you the most accurate prayer times and many other features such as Quran, Tasbeeh, Islamic Calendar, Compass to locate the Qiblah, Ramadan 2019 etc.(Download : iOS / Android)
- Quran Pro app is a concentrate of the best Quran reciters in the world, an amazing user interface design and the best set of features. (Download : iOS / Android)
The Righteous Deeds in Ramadan !
Ramadan is the month of faith and piety. Allah(Glory be to him ) .” O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that you may learn self-restraint, be pious”. But what is faith? some claim that faith has nothing to do with Muslims appearance, behavior or deeds. I can do what I want but I’m still faithful (believer in Allah) (Glory be to him). That’s definitely untrue.
When El Hassan EL Bassari was asked about the faith he said: ” Faith is what settled in the heart and assert by deed”.
If a true belief settled in the heart, it would control a man’s all organs and be translated into behavior and deeds. In lots of Holy Qur’an verses, faith and good deed are twined (identical).
Allah (Glory be to him) said: ” Surely those who believe and do righteous deeds, to them with God Most Gracious bestow His love (affection) ” ” Maryam 96″. And said, ” As for those who believe and do righteous deeds, they shall have forgiveness and most generous provision ” (Al Hajj 50) . And said: “As for those who believed and do righteous deeds, they shall be a garden happy and rejoicing (El-Rum 15). And said: ” And not equal are the blinded and the seeing, nor those who believe and do righteous deeds and the evil doers, little do you reflect ” (Ghafer 58). And said: “Or shall we treat those who believe and do righteous deeds, as those who are corruptors on the earth, or shall we treat the pious as the impious? ” (saad 8) . And said: ” and those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of all creatures ” (Al Bayyinah )
These verses and many more else prove undoubtedly that faith and good deed are identical “twins”. They should never be separated. So Ramadan is the most convenient time for boosting faith and increasing good deeds since the reward is much doubled and the gates of the good are all opened.
In our religion, every task accompanied by sincere intention for the sake of Allah and His pleasure is considered a good deed and an act of worship.
To maximize our benefits from this honorable month, we should spare no effort in adhering to good and righteous deeds, for example …
First of all, we should draw a plan for these deeds. Planning and organ plan can make a difference and help us make the best use of the month, and help us summon to maximize the reward. This plan should have the qualities that we need to get rid of. It should include a schedule completing reciting and contemplating Qur’an and setting specific times.
We should never forget the worship Dua’a and supplications. Write them in a diary, relate them to prayers and seek the times of Dua’a response. We can be alone with Allah through this worship before the time of El eftar . We should never forget all Muslims everywhere in our supplication.
As for prayer, we should keep performing prescribed prayers at their times at mosques. This should be a top priority. We can perform voluntary prayer in E Tarawih and Qyaam (night prayer). Abu Hurayra (may Allah be pleased with him) said prophet Muhammad (peace upon him ) said: ” whoever stood in prayer month of Ramadan on the basis of faith and seeking the reward from Allah. Allah will forgive his previous sins ” (Al Bukhari).
We can also keep a daily section of Allah’s remembrance to make our hearts closely related to Allah and have comfort. Allah (Glory be to Him ) said: ” Those who believe and their hearts fired serenity in the remembrance of God, indeed in the remembrance of God the heart finds serenity ” (Al-R’ad 28). So we should make this month a chance to be accustomed to Allah’s remembrance especially at dawn and at sunset. We mustn’t neglect almsgiving, we should do our best to look for the poor and the needy and meet their needs and solve their problem to bring happiness to their hearts and smile to their lips. It is important to try to do a minor pilgrimage to Mecca in Ramadan as it has the reward of major pilgrimage.
Finally, we should never forget that Ramadan is the month of obedience and salvation from Hell. Its time is too precious to be wasted in watching trifling or even bad programs which we reap nothing from them but sins and guilts.
There are many featured apps that can help you in Ramadan and at any time. They are free and provides you with many features. You can use apps like:
- Athan Pro which brings you the most accurate prayer times and many other features such as Quran, Tasbeeh, Islamic Calendar, Compass to locate the Qiblah, Ramadan 2019, etc.(Download: iOS / Android)
- Quran Pro app is a concentrate of the best Quran reciters in the world, an amazing user interface design and the best set of features. (Download : iOS / Android)
The Benefits Of Fasting
Fasting is the fourth pillar of the five pillars of Islam that is the center of the rituals of the Islamic religion it isn’t ordinary worship but a fundamental underpinning of the Islamic religion, so God Almighty, made it an obligation on every Muslim capable of fasting. Perhaps given superficial view it seems to be that its purpose is merely to impose hardship and torture on Muslims, but quite the contrary, God Almighty imposed fasting for our good.
Studies had demonstrated the considerable benefits of fasting on the rights on all levels, spiritually, socially, psychologically and physically.

First, the physical benefits: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: (fast to be healthy), the scientists confirmed that the abstention from food for a period of time is very necessary in order to let human body doing its vital operations normally and healthy, prosecutorial frequently dining at all times puts our body systems under terrible pressure to get rid of the excess food, so the body becomes Exhausted and toxins begin accumulating and we gain more and more weight . Obesity is a high-risk factor for other serious diseases like hypertension and cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, so fasting protects us from all these serious diseases and let the body repair itself to become healthier.
Secondly psychological benefits: at the psychological level, the process of fasting helps much to promote mental health, in Ramadan Muslim to refrain from a lot of bad habits -not just food and drink and sexual intercourse, but perhaps there is a lot of bad habits such as smoking and excessive eating or soft drinks and perhaps also bad psychological characteristics as the anger and ill-treatment of others and other. Whether these things absolutely Haram or just bad things that had A bad effect on our life, Ramadan and fasting help us to control our habits, so it’s a significant chance to train on Will power and self-restraint. It’s reported also that fasting decrease depression and anxiety.
Thirdly Social Benefits: The Fasting contributes to strengthen and enhance the social relationship between members of the Islamic Nation, everyone is committed to
the performance of that duty uniformly abstain from food at the same time and eating at the same time,
Probably met in the homes of each other or in occasions for breakfast together, that strengthens the ties of relationship, and contributes to making the isolated out of their isolation. The abstention from food for a period of time makes everyone feels the pain of hunger, reminding them of the suffering of their brothers of the poor, so it makes all society members help each other Narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor.
Fourthly spiritual benefits: Perhaps this is the greatest benefit among all because we are formed of body and soul each of which has specific needs. We always forget our soul needs and then our balance is disturbed and we became slaves to our serious problems. Fasting makes us communicating with Allah and helps to liberate our souls, it’s the shortest way to peace.
All of these benefits and more, outlined by the All-knowing saying: (and that you fast is better for you if you know)[ Al-baqarah-184].
There are many featured apps that can help you in Ramadan and at any time. They are free and provides you with many features. You can use apps like:
- Athan Pro which brings you the most accurate prayer times and many other features such as Quran, Tasbeeh, Islamic Calendar, Compass to locate the Qiblah, Ramadan 2017, etc.(Download: iOS / Android)
- Quran Pro app is a concentrate of the best Quran reciters in the world, an amazing user interface design and the best set of features. (Download : iOS / Android)
How to Prepare For Ramadan
In these days, we are looking forward to the holy month of Ramadan, one of the most precious times in our life as Muslims. This holy month unifies the Islamic Ummah all over the world and has an exceptional position in the heart of all Muslims.
Sunnah: An Amazing Guide For The Good Life!
When your Lord said to the angels: ‘I am placing on the earth a caliph, ‘ they replied: ‘Will you put there who corrupts and sheds blood, when we exalt your praises and sanctify you? ‘He said: ‘I know what you do not know [Al Baqarah-30].
The Five Pillars of Islam
Do you believe in existence of perfectionism? Actually there is no existence of this concept at any level, field or human law, man is imperfect and so all his work, inventions, theories and laws, that’s the human nature, today I’ll talk about perfect law, it’s Islam.
Announcing Quran Pro for Mac App Store!
Since we started Quran Pro back in 2012, we’ve always had one goal which is helping people to easily listen and ready the Quran. In addition to that, we’re committed to make Quran pro the best-designed app We developed Quran Pro to be across almost all the platforms.
Announcing Quran Pro for CarPlay!
Since we started Quran Pro back in 2012, we’ve always had one goal which is helping people to easily listen and ready the Quran. We developed Quran Pro to be across almost all the platforms.
Prayer Times: Why Should We Pray On Time ?
Allah Says: (surely, prayer is timely written upon the believers) [An –Nisa’ -103], Prayer (Salah) is the backbone of Islam, the second pillar of Islam after declaration of faith, has a lot of spiritual, mental and physical benefits, above all its performance on time has additional benefits, first of all performance of Al- Salah on time is the best way for time management and getting rid of procrastination, delay and laziness which are causes of failure. Let me tell you the times of the five daily prayers.