
Ramadan 2019 / 1440 : An Opportunity You Can’t Miss!

Ramadan 2019 / 1440 : An Opportunity You Can't Miss!

Ramadan is the ninth hijri month and one of the holiest times in the life of Muslims, it is a grant from Allah, golden opportunity for each good seeker, especially when you want to get rid of a guilt worrying you, or a bad habit which deprives you of the peace of mind, if you’re anxiously seeking some kind of peace for your soul, or you intend to do the good and acquire virtues, Ramadan 2019 / 1440 is your chance.


The Five Pillars of Islam


Do you believe in existence of perfectionism? Actually there is no existence of this concept at any level, field or human law, man is imperfect and so all his work, inventions, theories and laws, that’s the human nature, today I’ll talk about perfect law, it’s Islam.